Purpose of This Blog

The Final Goal of this Blog is to work towards the unification of the seceding denominations (and the one true original denomination) into a unified and public body of believers so as to properly fight the False Presbyterian Church (better known as the PC (USA)) and to subdue it from preaching a false gospel.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Minor Off-Topic

Have any of you seen this? I found it on Tim Baly's Blog and have ordered it. Fantastic...



Benjamin P. Glaser said...

Interesting Video. Going to have to see if I can borrow this somewhere.

Timothy said...

Good video. I had to post it at my site. I found your site through Grover Gunn's.

Ebenezer Erskine said...

Your welcome. I really liked it as well. I liked your blog.

Gary said...

I think today's Drabble comic is a good example of feminists


At least I had a similar experience when I held the door open for a woman behind me one day. (I also open hold doors for men behind me as well) So I just let the door go and slam her in the mouth while she's hollaring at me about being able to do it herself.

Gary said...

That should be "hold open doors"

Ebenezer Erskine said...

Thanks for that comic Gary. It is nice to see you back!!!

00 said...

I thought that you might be interested in this....I personally could never understand how basically every feminist was pro-choice...don't they realize that more female babies are aborted than male babies? That doesn't seem very "pro-woman" to me...
